Dear Readers,
Between the rain showers and thunderstorms we have been able to harvest our first radishes of the season between all three vegetable gardens and we had some quite surprising results so far.

Straight out of JimJim’s garden, these radishes have had something nibbling on them! He did not fertilize the radishes but some of the bloom-boost fertilizer he used on the snowpeas next to the radishes will have been taken up by them.
What was unusual about these radishes, is the number of fibrous roots which surround the main taproot on them.
When eaten, these were nicely crunchy but had very little taste to them and no heat.

Here are the radishes from the no-dig organic plot. These were bigger than those grown traditionally and had less nibbles on them and less of the fibrous roots growing out around the main taproot. The biggest radish harvested was grown in the no-dig organic plot.
These radishes were the hottest tasting of all!

These came out of the ground clean and only had nibbles on one radish harvested. The color was much deeper and pinker than any of the other radishes harvested from the other plots.
When we ate these, we were greeted with a sweetness and a slight peppery hit.